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Check out these Upper Cervical Care Success Stories !
Acid Reflux/Heartburn
Back Pain
Blurry Vision
Car Accident
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Heart Palpitations
Herniated/Bulging Disc
High Blood Pressure
Hip Pain
Leg Length
Loss of Muscular Control
Migraine Headaches
Multiple Sclerosis
Neck Pain
Restless Leg Syndrome
Ringing in Ears
TMJ / Jaw Pain
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Tourette Syndrome/Tics

Chronic Pain

I abused and distorted my body by being a soccer goalie from childhood through High School. It was obvious that the crooked and uneven frame of my body was affecting the normal flow of life through my body.

I had an ulcer when I was sixteen, hearburn towards the end of High School, agonizing stomach pain, back pain, neck pain, and hip pain.

After 4 years of unsatisfactory medical attention that searched no further than looking for a slipped disc and being told it is ok to take up to 10 aspiring a day for my pain, I finally decided to see a Chiropractor. I was not fixed or healed by my first chiropractor but I really appreciated the fact that he paid attention to the human frame and looked farther than herniated discs on X-rays.

As a result, I dedicated my life to Chiropractic and started attending Chiropractic School. It was there I was introduced to NUCCA.

The first time I was adjusted with the NUCCA technique, the room became a hundred times brighter and my body felt as light as feather on my feet. It took me a while to hold my adjustment but today in my 60th day in adjustment and I am not going to lose it any time soon. Not only did NUCCA give me my life back, but it is allowing me to give other people their lives back as a profession! I am feeling great.


This treatment is restoring the health and function of thousands of people who were told nothing could be done. It is also preventing countless conditions for people who get under this care before they get into crisis.

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